Sunday, October 21, 2012

Raw vs. Cooked Vegetables

By Dr. Steven Yen

When talking of food, you NEED to remember: The Fresher, the Better.

Common chemicals and chemicals, for example MSG and Aspartame, are lethal to your body and they could cause soreness. Foods that contain these poisons are Public Enemy Number 1 to those suffering from from chronic pain.

Nonetheless there's a way to avoid these culinary hazards! Simply put - if the food can rot then you can eat it. I know it is not the most nice thought , but it is accurate.

If you're following The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly diet, you already know how vital veggies are for healing the body.

Now, we know vegetables are good, but the question remains: What's the simplest way to eat vegetables - raw or cooked?

Plants contain nutriments, anti-oxidants, and phytochemicals which combat the enzyme (COX-2) that causes inflammation. Unfortunately, some cooking techniques destroy these significant nutrient elements.

For example, Vitamin C (a dynamic anti-oxidant), Vitamin B, and folate are demolished during cooking. In fact , when plants are boiled, imperative nutriments are taken out of the veggies by the water. You are really far better off drinking the very hot water than you are eating the vegetables!

Naturally, who actually likes mushy, uninspired vegetables? Nobody!

Eating plants as close to their natural state as possible guarantees that your body gets the nutrient elements it has to help lingering pain issues.


(and there is always a isn't there?)

There are some particular foods that have more critical nutrient elements when they're cooked. Cooking boosts lycopene in tomatoes by 35%! Lycopene is another forceful anti-oxidant that may help prevent cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and heart problems.

Hence what is an individual with chronic pain to do?

Well, that answer is simple!

Eat a range of veggies in a variety of ways (Except for mushy, overcooked vegetables! Yuck! Keep them crisp)

Mix cooked and raw veggies with your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Have juiced vegetables with breakfast, raw vegetables for lunch, and cooked veggies for dinner.

Do whatever you must do to be sure you are getting the strong nutrients the body requires to heal itself!

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